November 17, 2021

ICT Integration lesson



School: Dekiling Middle Secondary School

Gewog: Dekiling

Dzongkhag: Sarpang

Date: 12th November, 2021


Subject: English

Class strength:30 students

Topic: Flowers

Objective: By the end of the lesson a child will be able to:

  •       draw and name 10 flowers after the activities.
  •       write at least five sentences of the assigned flower.


On 12th November, Friday I taught lesson integrating ICT in class 3. It was English and the topic was on flower under the text “How plants provide foods?”. As the first activity I have done the power point presentation on local flowers. I have repeater the presentation for 3 to 4 times. 


The second activity was – Place based learning. I took the class around the school area. Introduced the flowers with short description. Let children draw and colour and write the name of the flowers that they can see in the school. I guided them to write with correct spelling.


Next, they were asked to gather the information on flower assigned. They used computers to find the information. They browsed, drew the picture of the flower and wrote about the flowers. I helped children to read new words.

 Children voluntarily read their writing for the class. I checked individual write up of every child and found that 90 percent of them have excellent writing. I let children to rewrite in plain paper then we compiled the paper to produce the book of flowers. Then we displayed the books in the class for future references.

I can say that this is one of my successful teaching lesson. I could see all children enjoying observing the real plants, searching for the information from the net, drawing, colouring and writing to produce the book. They were excited to see many flowers of different places. They could learn the names again and again from the video played. 

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ICT Integration Lesson

                     Information School: Dekiling Middle Secondary School Gewog: Dekiling Dzongkhag: Sarpang Day: Thursday Date: 2...